Chiusura per festività Natalizie e Capodanno

Vi informiamo che saremo chiusi dal 21 dicembre al 6 gennaio.
Pertanto in questo periodo non sara' possibile creare nuovi ticket.
Il servizio sara' riattivato a partire dal 7 gennaio.

Closed for Christmas and New Years

We are closed from the 21 of December to the 6 of January.
During this period you will not be able to create new tickets.
All services will be reactivated starting from the 7 of January.

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Window dimensions are incorrect on Windows 7/8/10

Some Windows 7/8/10 laptops have their default font size set to 125% by the manufacturer to allow a better user viewing experiance but this create a problem with our software because we use a fixed size background for our main window. The effect is that you have text and input boxes that will overshoot outside of the window border. Example:

Windows 7 Wrong windows dimensions

Simple solution for newer software versions (v1.6.4+):

To the right of the DTC Remover logo you have a text displaing "100%", if you click this text it will change to 125% and after an application reboot will properly display the window.

Solution for older software versions:

To resolve this issue you can download the file DTCRemover.ini and copy it to the "DTCRemover" folder overwritting the current file.

DTC Remover INI